Tag Archives: tomato sauce

Pasta in the oven with aubergines– mamma’s way

Difficulty:  Time: INGREDIENTS (x12 persons): SAUCE: - 2 bottles traditional plain Italian tomato ‘salsa’ - 1 can with peeled tomatoes - 1 spoon of Italian double-concentrated tomato puree - 2 garlic cloves - 1 big white onion, sliced - 1 bunch of fresh basil - extra virgin olive oil - salt/ground pepper or chilli pepper (optional) - 1 ...

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‘Gnocchi di patate al pomodoro’ – mamma’s way

Difficulty:  Time: INGREDIENTS: - 1.5 kg of Dutch potatoes (or any other floury type of potato) - 750 g of non raising flour type ‘00’ - 1 egg - salt, sea salt - tomato sauce, already made* - a large handful of grated Parmesan - few fresh basil leaves (optional) - non salty butter WHAT TO DO: 1. Start peeling and boiling the potatoes. 2. ...

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Meat balls in tomato sauce/’Polpette al sugo’

Difficulty:  Time: INGREDIENTS (x 50 small balls): - 500 g lean minced beef meat - 2 big slices sourdough bread (about 150 g) - 250 ml milk - 1 egg - 1 garlic clove, thinly chopped (optional) - 1 handful of grated parmesan - 30 g grated mature English Cheddar cheese - 1 large handful of parsley, finely chopped - salt/pepper - oilseed (to fry) ...

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Grilled Aubergine Parmigiana

Difficulty:  Time: INGREDIENTS (x4 persons) - 4 big long purple aubergines - 200 g mozzarella, in small cubes - 300 ml tomato sauce* - extra virgin olive oil - salt/pepper - 3 large handfuls of grated Parmesan - 2 handfuls of basil leaves - oregano - 1 handful or plain breadcrumbs WHAT TO DO: 1. Remove some stripes off the aubergine skin. ...

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