Sweet ricotta pastries with apples

DolciMar 05 20152 Comments

fagottiricotta con mele4**

Difficulty:Easy  Time:Long

INGREDIENTS (x 8 persons)

For the dough base

  • - 1 egg
  • - 1 pinch of salt
  • - 75 g caster sugar
  • - 300 g non-raising plain flour (‘00’)
  • - 50 g potato starch
  • - 150 g ricotta cheese
  • - 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • - 5 teaspoons sunflower seed oil
  • - 7 teaspoons whole milk
  • - 1 bag of Vanilla powder
  • - 1 bag of yeast powder

For the apple filling

  • - 500 g apples
  • - 50 g raisins
  • - 50 g caster sugar
  • - 2 biologic lemons

And 2-3 tablespoons of confectioner’s sugar (to decorate)


First prepare the apple filling.

For the filling: Peel and cut the apples into small chunks. In the meanwhile soak the raisins in warm water and a drizzle of rhum (optional) for 10-15 minutes. Then take a non-sticking pan, add all the apples with the sugar, the grated lemon skin and the raisins after taking them out from the water and rhum. Let the cook until soft. It will take 10-15 min according to the size of the apples. Then take the pan out of the stove and set it aside.

In the meanwhile get ready with the dough.

For the dough base: In a large bowl add in order the egg, the salt and the sugar. Whisk well until foamy. Then add the ricotta cheese, the oil and the milk and finally the flour. At last the vanilla and the yeast powder. You will get to a soft workable dough you can knead in the biscuit shape you prefer.

Make one dumpling at time. Take some dough and knead it to make a ball from which you will make into a disk. Place some filling into the centre then close it into a shape of a half moon. Alternatively create a square piece which you can then mould into a pyramid with the filing inside.

Brush the borders of each mould with little milk and cook in a pre-heated oven for about 20’ at 180°C.

Serve it with a sprinkle of confectioner’s sugar on top.


  • - You can easily personalize the recipe by adding different type of crumbled nuts to the apples or by changing fruits.
  • - They taste very nicely if served with a warm custard or Patissiere cream